
  • Name: Kotaro / 航太朗

  • Age: 26 (Post-ARR)

  • Height: 160cm

  • Nameday: 13th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (12 June)

  • Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun

  • Guardian Deity: Llymlaen

  • Grand Company: Maelstrom

  • Hometown/Current Home: Limsa Lominsa / Shirogane

  • Favourite Food: Riceballs, Coffee biscuits

  • Main Jobs: SMN, PLD

  • Personality: Likes to have fun, mischievous, flexible

  • Other Facts: A great summoner, but a terrible scholar.


Born as K'tiqa Tia, and hailing from the K tribe, he has loved roaming the grassy fields of Lower La Noscea, even as a child. He often played with a Hyur child about his age, who lived around the hills of Lower La Noscea. The child, called Ryutaro, and his family hailed from Doma, displaced by the ongoing conflict with the Garleans. Finding "K'tiqa" too difficult to say, they took to calling him "Kotaro", making them brothers in name.

"My homeland is beautful. Let's go out there together and visit it someday." - RyutaroHowever, such was not to be. When The Calamity struck, many things changed to La Noscea. No matter how much Kotaro searched the area, he never found the hill that they played at, nor his childhood friend ever again.Having grown up around Limsa Lominsa all his life, he was greatly inspired by the pirates there, as they lived life according to their own terms, free as can be. Now a young adult and desperate for a means to make ends meet post-calamity, he decided to join the Kraken's Arms, helmed by Carvallain, as their Carpenter.

"The tides will turn, as is their wont, and the wise man sails with them towards the shores of new opportunity." - CarvallainHe was especially inspired by Carvallain's forward and flexible thinking, and over time came to see him as a great mentor, for all the advice he gave him. Carvallain also treasured him as a member of his crew for all his work and loyalty.After several years and the economy stabilizing, Kotaro decided that it was time to set off from Limsa Lominsa and expand his boundaries. Wanting to fulfill his promise to Ryutaro, he left the Kraken's Arms on good terms with Carvallain, who bade him well and introduced him to Baderon to kick start his adventuring journey.Furthered with no desire to become nunh, he signs up with the Adventurer's Guild as Kotaro Zaffyr. At the behest of his mother, he joins the Arcanist's Guild and picks up the art of summoning familiars to help him in battle."At least Rhid can watch over you!" says his mother of the Guildmaster, K'rhid Tia.

With guidance from his fellow tribesmate and summoner K’lyhia, his life as an adventurer finally started. He met his current housemate, Mikh'to, through his first dungeon, Sastasha Seagrot. From that point on, they would sometimes raid dungeons together, often splitting the loot between them.

Throughout his adventures in Coerthas, he becomes close to Haurchefant, who was ever warm and welcome towards him. He was ever patient and willing to offer aid in dire times, never once leaving Kotaro alone to fend for himself. Eventually, after many hard-worn battles and trust built together, they toast as a sign of brotherhood.

However, such happiness was short lived. During the desperate attempt to rescue their dear friend, Aymeric, from The Vault, Haurchefant dies to protect the sworn brother he loved so much.

"A knight lives to serve"Inspired by Haurchefant and wishing to honor his memory, he picks up a sword and shield, and trains in the skills of a Paladin. He swore to work harder to protect the people close to him as well.

The next leg of his adventures took him to Yanxia and The Ruby Sea, where he could finally visit Ryutaro's homeland. Along his journey, he rescues a little fox kit, who took an instant liking to him and follows him everywhere.
"Ryutaro, I wish you were here to see this."
Charmed by the beauty of the cherry blossoms in spring, he purchased a quaint little house in Shirogane, on the outskirts of Kugane.

He unfortunately gets annoyed with his housemate, Mikh'to, for his night antics in his basement.*"Stop bringing strangers into my house!!!! /hqslap" - Kotaro to Mikh'to, on the 17th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon. *Promise fulfilled, he continues his adventurer lifestyle of raiding treasure dungeons with his favourite scion, Estinien.
With bonds forged from their adventures in the Dravanian Highlands and the Azim Steppes, they made a formidable but rowdy pair with their constant bickering.